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*MED* stands for Minimum Engagement Distance

*OPRV* stands for Operation Righteous Valor

*** stands for new/updated rule


•Rifleman (M4's, AK's, SMG’s etc.)

•400 FPS or less with .20's (1.50Joules)

•10ft MED (anything within 10 feet is legal for this weapons class if you shoot BELOW the chest)

•Cannot use box magazines or drum magazines. Can only use standard magazine for this weapon.

•No mid cap requirement as of 11/03/15, future game rules may change.

•can only fire on semi-automatic with this classification. NO FULL AUTO.


SAW Gunners (HMG's, LMG's, OMG's, etc.):

•430 FPS or less with .20's (1.72 Joules).

•Every SAW will have a 50ft MED no matter the FPS.

•Only these weapons are allowed to used box magazines or drum magazines.

•OPRV does recognize the M27IAR and Krytac Trident MKII as LMG's.

•A rate of fire limit of 25 is set as the highest any SAW Gunner can operate. Will be tested out at chrono range if you fall into this classification.

•need to have sidearm. Absolutely cannot shoot anyone under this weapons MED.


DMR (Designated Marksman Rifle):

•450 FPS or less with .20's (1.88 Joules).

•50ft MED.

•Is only labeled a DMR if it is only capable of firing on semi-automatic. Meaning if the weapon has the option to select fully automatic on the fire selector switch, then it is not a DMR by OPRV classification.

•If the weapon has fully automatic capabilities, then the weapon will fall under rifleman classification and will have the same FPS/MED rules as that weapon class.

•Need to have sidearm. Absolutely cannot shoot anyone under this weapons MED.


Bolt Action Sniper Rifle:

•500 FPS or less with .20's (2.32 Joules).

•100ft MED no matter the FPS

•Has to be bolt action to fall under this classification.

•Need to have sidearm. Absolutely cannot shoot anyone under this weapons MED.


Other Weapon Rules:

•One trigger pull equals one BB. If we catch any player with an assisted or modified trigger, we will pull you off the field and you will be asked to leave. ***


Must have a trigger guard. No “two fingering” a trigger allowed.

•All weapons must be chrono’d at the chrono range and zip tied.

•We will provide a magazine/bbs for chrono. If you have a weapon that is not an M4 or AK variant bring an empty magazine

•All weapons will be fired five times

•If the weapon fires even once over classification FPS limits, you will be told to put the weapon up. And will not be able to use it at the event. Unless you can bring down the FPS and rechrono.

• After a player has been chronoed you will be marked.

•Every player must be marked before they can step foot on the field. Alabama Airsoft Association staff will make sure you are marked before you step onto the course.

•Any player can be subject to be randomly chronoed at any point and time on the field by a referee or an admin. If a player is chronoed on the field and his/her weapon is shooting over its FPS classification, they will be immediately removed from the game (non-refundable) and warned.

•All HPA weapons are required to have tournament locks on them to be allowed to be used at any Alabama Airsoft Association event. If a player brings a HPA weapon and does not bring the tournament locks, they will not be able to use that weapon at that event.

Other Rules:

• No creation of alliances or new teams made between players of opposing factions. Unless otherwise specified in safety briefing before game start.

•Players must bring FULL SEAL ANSI Z87 rated eye protection. If you’re not sure about your eye protection, look up your eye pro online and it will tell you if it is or isn't. YOUR EYE PRO MUST COVER ALL THE WAY AROUND YOUR EYES, EVEN THE SIDES.

***•You must always wear your full seal eye protection while inside the designated AO. It doesn’t matter if the operation has started or not you must be wearing them until you exit the AO. ***

***•No fireworks allowed to be used on or off field unless otherwise approved by a OPRV admin.***

•If a player brings any homemade special weaponry (besides store bought sound percussion, BB, or smoke grenades) to a OPRV event, that player must show OPRV admins. We must see it in action first. If OPRV admins then approved it, the player will be allowed to use it. If not, then the player will not be allowed to use it.

Any special weaponry brought onto the field that is not approved by OPRV admins will be removed along with the player. That action will go on record as a major rule violation.

***•"BLIND MAN" Rule: If a player has hurt themselves or lost their eye protection and is vulnerable to further injury, the injured or "blind" player must then call "Blind Man." Other players can also call "Blind Man" if they see a player injure themselves severely. In a case that Blind Man is called all players must stop firing and put their weapons on "Safe" immediately. DO NOT MOVE. You may assist referees/admins by giving the location by yelling or radioing in where the blind man is so we can find the situation. If a fight breaks out on the field, be sure to call Blind Man so we can pause gameplay and get the situation resolved. In any situation of a Blind Man the player or players will be removed.***

•If a player has a medical condition, please pull an admin to the side, and let them know about your medical condition at registration. We ask of this so if something happens to you on the field, we can better deal with your situation due to your medical condition. OPRV will not share this information with anyone else. It's between you and the staff.

Major/Minor Rules and Violations punishment:

Minor Rule Violations are as follows and will result in points being deducted from your teams final score at the end of the game.

•Being caught by a admin/referee not calling hits. I will emphasis they must be caught by a admin/referee not calling their hits. NOT another player. So please do not blow up the command channel saying someone isn't calling their hits.

•Not wearing full seal safety eye protection while inside the AO.

•Channel surfing. Which means being on the other teams’ channels listening in to what they are saying.

•Blowing up Game Control or Command Frequencies.

•Being unsportsmanlike to any of the other participants. Excessive profanity, overly aggressive, or just being a d**k.

Major Rules Violations are as follows and will result in immediate removal from any OPRV event.

• Being disrespectful / argumentative with a on field referee or Admin.

•Violating any of the FPS rules after being chrono’d.

•Being violent and or disrespectful to any other players (at discretion of OPRV admins/referees)

•Any fist fights will result in removal of anyone involved.

•Any other violations OPRV Admins/referees deem punishable by removal on event days.

•First offense will result in player being removed from gameplay for the rest of the day. We will then give an official first warning and it will be documented.

•Second Offense, the player will be immediately removed and sent home, but will also be suspended from any OPRV events for six months.

•Third offense, the player will be suspended from any OPRV events for one year.

Fourth offense, the player will be suspended indefinitely.

If a OPRV admin/referee decides a player needs to step off the field and cool down for a minute after a conflict, the player is required to do so. This will not be documented.

All major rule violations will be documented. They will be kept for up to a year from a players last violation. After a year their slate will be whipped clean.


•When a player is hit by another person(s) BB whether it be from a friendly(s) weapon or an enemy(s) weapon, he or she must first signify they are hit by verbally and loudly yelling hit or any other word that will CLEARLY without a reasonable doubt let the others around you know that you have been hit. Once you have been hit you must "go down" which is either laying down, sitting down, or taking a knee.

If you have been hit and you are in cross fire or (for example) standing in water, then you can move to the NEAREST location for a reasonable place to "go down" at.

•When you are "hit" you must display a dead rag on a area of your body that is visible (preferably the head) and in a place that will, without a reasonable doubt, let close by players see that you are down.

•In a case that you lose your dead rag, hold your gun or arms above your head and verbally let people know that you are dead multiple times, especially when walking.

•Once you have "gone down" and have displayed your dead rag, you have now started your 5 minute bleed out time.

During that time you will have 5 minutes for a medic to revive you before you "bleed out"

A player cannot move from the place he or she has went down at unless someone that is still alive puts a hand on them and moves them to a different location.

•If a medic does not reach you within that 5 minute bleed out time then you have "bled out" and can then move back to your base or any other designated spawn zone to respawn. You cannot be healed after you have "bled out" you can only spawn back in at your factions base or spawn point.

•Dead players CANNOT talk. The only thing you can call out loudly and verbally for is a Medic, if you want to tell the guy that shot you good shot or brag to your dead buddy next to you about the game that's fine, but it cannot be in a disruptive manner and it cannot be talk related to what's going on on the field. Same goes for walking back to respawn.

•Dead players or Downed players using radios, all you can do is if you are requested upon is to say that you are down, or that you are going back to respawn. That is all you can say until you are revived back in or respawn.


Medic's healing rule and personal rules:

•Anyone can be a medic, no designated medics.

•Every player must bring two bandages with them so a medic can revive them back into gameplay.

•The bandages must be white or tan and must be able to wrap around an arm or a leg. It can also be white duct tape.

•A player can be healed back into gameplay up to 2 times in one life, before having to go back to his or her spawn point to get completely healed back in.

•Anytime a player goes back to his or her spawn point they are allowed to take off their bandages even if they are not out of lives. This can ONLY happen at your teams designated spawn points.


"Medevac aka Medical Evacuations"

•A teams commander (not a player or squad leader) can request from G.O.D. for a "medevac" also known as a Medical Evacuation. You must have a group of 10 or more dead/wounded and a squad leader present to qualify for a medevac. During a Medevac, an admin will either personally escort you to a pickup/redeploy zone or give you coordinates of the area and a wait time. During that time you must be grouped up and have your dead rag displayed. Once a medevac has started you are not allowed to take in any more players or have radio communication with team members outside of the medevac group. If players from the opposing team walk up on your position, you are advised to yell that you are all dead or being medevac'd. If the players continue moving closer you are advised to tell them to move outside of shooting range of your position at no point and time can you wait out your time to shoot onto opposing players right after medevac time has expired. If there is a situation where players will not move out of the medevac area or you could spawn into a fire fight, radio on channel one for an Admin to come to your position to resolve conflict. Failure to cooperate with these rules can result in points deduction, removal from field, or loss of the medevac option for the remainder of the game.

Knife kills:

•Knife kills are also known as "silent kills" and can only be used with a FAKE knife weapons, not your thumb or your car keys. simply pull out your FAKE knife and quietly tell someone verbally just loud enough so they can hear you "knife kill" and touch the blade to them. If you are knife killed you CANNOT say a word. You are instantly dead their is no bleed out time. Simply display your dead rag and walk silently back to your spawn point.

•You can also throw your FAKE knife/tomahawk. If a player is struck by it in anyway the same silent rules apply.

•Please do not try any of this with a real knife because that will lead to your immediate ejection.

•Fake knives include NERF swords and NERF tomahawks.


***Age Restrictions***


If a participant is under the age of 18 they must have a guardian or parent sign for them on a waiver. If a participant is under the age of 15 they must have a parent or guardian on the field with them at all times.

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